About Us
The Healthy Schools Team 

Leeds Healthy Schools Post 16 is part of the Health & Wellbeing Service, Leeds Council Children and Families Service directorate. We also provide additional support, resources and training which are available through www.schoolwellbeing.co.uk
The Healthy Schools Team comprises of a specialist team of consultants/advisers, with a proven track record of achievements, with a wealth of experience over many years.
What we offer 

Our area of work focusses on supporting schools and post 16 settings to raise attainment and achievement by improving the health and wellbeing of students. We aim to achieve this through working together with schools, post 16 settings and our partners, to offer an effective, evidence-based online School Health Check tool available to schools and Post 16 settings nationally and internationally.
We support settings with:
- Healthy Schools Status (School Health Check)
- PSHE, including Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Health Education (HE) and Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education
- Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood Prevention and Support
- School Food, Nutrition and Cooking
- Citizenship, Participation and Sustainability
- Physical Activity
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)
- Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC)
- Pupil Voice
We offer:
- Central and bespoke training
- In school support/training
- External assessments of Healthy Schools
- Support to achieve Health Champion Status
- MindMate Friendly Assessments
- Support to achieve MindMate Champion Status
- SMSC Audits
- Advice/information/signposting
- Teaching resources and policies
- Direct delivery in school
- Online support through our websites: www.schoolwellbeing.co.uk, www.healthyschools.org.uk and the www.myhealthmyschoolsurvey.org.uk
- Email and telephone support
How we can help 

In addtion to this online toolkit we can help through one to one meetings, whole school staff or cluster meetings, training courses, workshops and networking. We have a wide range of expertise within the team who can advise or signpost to further information or resources. We have resources and training to support both teaching and evaluation processes.
Our extended service is available on a pay as you go basis or through a traded Service Level Agreement. You can find more information about this via our traded website - Leeds for Learning
Other ways to get support.
- Please use this website - it is full of useful information and resources
- Follow us on twitter: @healthyschools_
- Use the contact us facility
- Click this link for our latest training courses
Meet the Healthy Schools Team 

Healthy Schools Consultants/Adviser

Supporting Advisers

Sue Pennycook

Sarah Wilson