Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Healthy School Post 16 Setting?

A Healthy School Post 16 Setting:
- is one that promotes physical, social, emotional and mental health and helps equip students and staff with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health.
- is successful in supporting students to do their best and build on their achievements; it is committed to ongoing improvement and development.
- recognises the importance of investing in health and wellbeing to assist in the process of raising student achievement levels.
- involves the whole setting, community, governors, staff and students in improving young people's health, wellbeing and happiness, helping them to get the most out of life.
Currently Post 16 settings can complete the SEMH theme of the Healthy Schools Toolkit. Settings that complete the SEMH self-validation acheive Mindmate Friendly status for 3years, and will receive a certificate and logo. The long term abmition is to add three otehr themes in addition to SEMH; Personal Social Health Education (PSHE), Healthy Eating, and Physical Activity. Together, the four themes will enable Post 16 settings to acheive full Healthy Schools Status in addition to Mimdmate Friendly or Mindmate Champion status.
What is Post 16 Healthy Schools?

The Post 16 Healthy Schools includes an online toolkit to help settings self validate their SEMH work and;
- ensures the setting has the fundamental elements of SEMH in place to achieve/maintain Mindmate Friendly Status
- allows settings to audit health and wellbeing across their SEMH work and grade provision using Ofsted style descriptors to identify and celebrate strengths, as well as next steps
- Each ‘criteria’ has been matched, wherever possible, to current Ofsted descriptors, therefore helping settings to understand the links between health and wellbeing and Ofsted
Settings will also need to identify a target for their SEMH work. This target can be used to inform next steps and working towards the Health Champion model which demonstrates impact and improvement over a period of time.
Currently Post 16 settings can complete the SEMH theme of the Healthy Schools Toolkit. Settings that complete the SEMH self-validation acheive Mindmate Friendly status for 3years, and will receive a certificate and logo. The long term abmition is to add three otehr themes in addition to SEMH; Personal Social Health Education (PSHE), Healthy Eating, and Physical Activity. Together, the four themes will enable Post 16 settings to acheive full Healthy Schools Status in addition to Mimdmate Friendly or Mindmate Champion status.
What does the Healthy School Post 16 SEMH self-validation require?

The Healthy School Post 16 SEMH theme requires settings to meet criteria their Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) work.
The criteria relates not only to the taught curriculum but also to the emotional, physical and learning environment that the setting provides. Many settings are already engaged in these activities so achieving recognition need not be onerous. Within the SEMH theme, there are 10 strands:
4.Teaching & Learning
6.Pupil Voice
7.Support Services
8.Professional Development
10.School Ethos
Settings are encouraged to take a whole setting approach in order to:
- develop an ethos and environment that supports learning and promotes the health and wellbeing of all
- engage, consult and encourage participation of all within the setting's community
- create an extremely effective post 16 improvement mechanism which brings about and embeds cultural and behavioural change in the setting
Currently Post 16 settings can complete the SEMH theme of the Healthy Schools Toolkit. Settings that complete the SEMH self-validation acheive Mindmate Friendly status for 3years, and will receive a certificate and logo. The long term abmition is to add three otehr themes in addition to SEMH; Personal Social Health Education (PSHE), Healthy Eating, and Physical Activity. Together, the four themes will enable Post 16 settings to acheive full Healthy Schools Status in addition to Mimdmate Friendly or Mindmate Champion status.
Who should complete the Healthy Schools Post 16 SEMH sale validation?

The Healthy School/setting Co-ordinator should lead and coordinate the process, with the support of senior leadership. It is best practice for individual sections to be completed in partnership/collaboration with the most appropriate coordinator/person/people. These groups may also include students, parents and governors, where appropriate.
How long does Healthy Schools Post 16 SEMH validation last for?

Healthy Schools Post 16 SEMH validation results in Mimdmate Friendly status and is valid for 3 years from the date the self-validation is accepted. However, it is recommended that the audit is reviewed and updated regularly after submission to ensure the information is up to date and relevant. This can be done through this website.
How much does it cost?

Annual subscription to this website is £125+VAT, giving you access to the online toolkit for teh SEMH Theme for 12 months.
Service Level Agreements for the Health and Wellbeing Service are available and these include annual subscription to the Healthy Schools Post 16 website. These can be found on Leeds for Learning
***Coming soon*** £250+VAT for all 4 themes: PSHE, Physical Activity, Healthy Eating and SEMH.
Schools/settings in Leeds: subscription to has been subsidised by Public Health.
What setting is the programme for?

The programme is for all Post 16 settings.
Will I have to put a portfolio of evidence together?

No, the Healthy Schools Post 16 SEMH self-validation is a non-portfolio based process that leads to Mindmate Friendly status. If your post 16 setting chooses to have an external assessment visit, following your self-validation, you will be asked for a number of documents prior to the assessment, such as curriculum plans and a range of policies linked to SEMH. The rest of the evidence will be collected via interviews with key stakeholders during the assessment visit and this will be dependent on the Coronavirus restrictions in place at the time of the assessment.
What is the impact as a result of completing the programme?

It demonstrates to the whole school/setting community a commitment to the social, emotional and mental health health and wellbeing of the students and staff.
Improved health and wellbeing outcomes for students in post 16 settings.
A clear focus for key/all staff on SEMH, informing development planning and practice.
A celebration of good practice within the setting around social and emotional health and wellbeing.
How long does it take to complete the programme?

We do not set timescales. The Post 16 School SeMH sle-validation can be changed and updated as many times as it needs to be before submission. For those settings wishing to have an external assessment we would aim to do this within 12 months of you submitting your self-validated Post 16 SEMH self-validation.
I can’t remember my password, what do I do?

Just click on the 'Forgotten Password' link under the Log in tag.
What do schoolssettings say about the Healthy Schools Programme?

"The online tool is really helpful and I like the idea that it can create an action for you."
"The team have really listened to us (teachers) to improve the new website."
"As a coordinator, the website is so easy to use and to see where our strengths are and what we need improve."
"The online tool makes it so quick and easy to self-evaluate and to see where our school is."
"The SHC is great, really easy to use and to have something ready for Ofsted!"

- Association for Physical Education quality mark:
- Design and technology programmes of study key stage 3 National curriculum in England:
- Design and technology programmes of study key stages 1 and 2 National curriculum in England:
- DfEE Sex and Relationship Guidance 2000:
- Mentor Adepis:
- Modeshift Stars:
- National Curriculum for PSHE 2013:
- Nice Guidance for settings, schools and other educational settings. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2016:
- Ofsted Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education survey visits
- Ofsted Physical Education survey visits:
- Ofsted School Inspection Framework 2016:
- Ofsted Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education, and Health Education, 2020.
- Schools Games Mark:
- Science programmes of study key stages 1 and 2 National curriculum in England:
- Science programmes of study key stages 3 National curriculum in England:
- Science programmes of study key stages 4 National curriculum in England:
- Sex and Relationships for the 21st Century 2014:
- Sugar Reduction: the evidence for action. Public Health England 2015
- The Bog Standard Campaign for the toilet standards
- The Core Competencies for children and young people aged 5-16:
- The Eatwell Guide 2016:
- The School Food Plan 2013:
- The School Food Standards 2015:
- 'What works in promoting social and emotional wellbeing and responding to mental health problems in schools?' Advice for Schools and Framework Document. Professor Katherine We are, published by the National Children’s Bureau in 2015: